Recent Paintings
I have always been influenced by Picasso and cubism. All my painting recently has been about exploring human faces in interaction in cubist style, but my colour influences recently include Robert and Sonia Delaunay, and Mainie Jellet. My paintings are simply a continuation of what I find myself drawing.
You are never out of my thoughts: Acrylic on board
Collective I: Acrylic on Board
Tension and Serenity: Acrylic on board
Philo: Acrylic on board
Milling: Acrylic on Canvas
Peer Pressure: Acrylic on board
Other facets: Acrylic on board
Contentment: Acrylic on board
Collective IV: Acrylic on board
Constrained: Acrylic on board
Mask of Being - in progress: Acrylic on board
Collective III: Acrylic on board
Mask of Being: Acrylic on board
"Did you hear that?": Acrylic on board
Dilemma dividing: Acrylic on board, work in progress
Collective II: Acrylic on Canvas
Earlier work
I find it interesting to look back over my portfolio, because I realise how focused I’ve become recently on a cubist style of exploration of human faces in interaction. But I’d like to return to these themes of landscape and street scene in the future. Some of these are pastel, others oil or acrylic.
Acrylic on board, acrylic on canvas, sizes vary, please drop me a line for more info.
David Dudgeon